In 2019 -at the Centenary Session of the I.L.O. in Geneva, the Convention passed resolution C190 to outlaw GBV and Harassment from the Workplace -see extracts below. Despite promises the South African Government has still failed to ratify over a year later. Just as in most countries around the world, the situation in South Africa has worsened in the last few weeks as a result of the Corona virus with GBV and Femicide in the home on a dramatic increase. The South African Justice Minister said recently that "Laws are not enough - it needs buy in from all men - young and old to succeed" - which is true, however, as South Africans slowly return to work the Ratification of C190 will give them some security knowing they at least have key legislation to protect them in their place of work - so we ask you to join us and sign the Petition calling on the South African Government to quickly ratify C190.
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Support the COSATU led Campaign calling on the South African Government to implement ILO C190 and to outlaw GBV & Harassment in the Workplace in South Africa

In collaboration with the SACP and the Joe Slovo Foundation, COSATU is leading the Campaign calling on the South African Government to implement ILO C190 and to outlaw GBV & Harassment in the Workplace in South Africa – Add your voice to this Urgent and Important Campaign by adding your name to the “Implement ILO C190” Petition.


In 2019 -at the Centenary Session of the I.L.O. in Geneva, the Convention passed resolution C190 to outlaw GBV and Harassment from the Workplace -see extracts below. Despite promises the South African Government has still failed to ratify over a year later. Just as in most countries around the world, the situation in South Africa has worsened in the last few weeks as a result of the Corona virus with GBV and Femicide in the home on a dramatic increase. The South African Justice Minister said recently that "Laws are not enough - it needs buy in from all men - young and old to succeed" - which is true, however, as South Africans slowly return to work the Ratification of C190 will give them some security knowing they at least have key legislation to protect them in their place of work - so we ask you to join us and sign the Petition calling on the South African Government to quickly ratify C190.

In 2019 -at the Centenary Session of the I.L.O. in Geneva, the Convention passed resolution C190 to outlaw GBV and Harassment from the Workplace -see extracts below. Finally, after nearly  two years, Parliament has ratified the resolution – but South Africa is still waiting for the final Government Minister signatures in order to implement it into law.

One of the Core- principles of Convention-190  is for  each Member state such as South Africa to  promote and realise the right of Everyone to a World of Work free from Violence and Harassment, the Convention further calls for Inclusive, integrated and gender responsive approach on the elimination of violence taking into account violence and harassment that involve the third parties (3rd parties).

Just as in most countries around the world, the situation in South Africa has worsened in the last few weeks as a result of the Corona virus with GBV and Femicide in the home on a dramatic increase.

The  South African Justice Minister said recently that “Laws are not enough – it needs buy in from all men – young and old to succeed” – which is true, however, as South Africans slowly return to work the Ratification of C190 will give them some security  knowing they at least have key legislation to protect them in their place of work – so we ask you to join us and sign the Petition calling on the South African Government to  quickly ratify C190.

COSATU-Confederation-of-South-African-Trade-Unions.        SACP-South-African-Communist-Party

“Recalling that the Declaration of Philadelphia affirms that all human beings, irrespective of race, creed or sex, have the right to pursue both their material well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dignity, of economic security and equal opportunity.

Recognizes the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment.

Recognizes that violence and harassment in the world of work can constitute a human rights violation or abuse, and that violence and harassment is a threat to equal opportunities, is unacceptable and incompatible with decent work.

Recognizes the importance of a work culture based on mutual respect and dignity of the human being to prevent violence and harassment, . . . .

“Each Member (Country) shall adopt laws and regulations to define and prohibit violence and harassment in the world of work, including gender-based violence and (Sexual) harassment”.

In association with White Ribbon South Africa – powered by the Joe Slovo Foundation

White Ribbon South Africa ending violence and abuse against women and girls


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